Keli joins the Remote COO team with a diverse background as a middle/high school English teacher for 7 years before going into remote work as a Senior Project Manager and Director of Operations for a storytelling company. Keli’s strong organizational skills and addictive positive attitude have translated well to remote work and make it possible for her to juggle work and keep her family of 7 running smoothly.
Keli has a bachelor’s degree in English Education from Appalachian State University. The skills she acquired equipped her with exceptional communication skills, enabling her to articulate ideas clearly and build strong relationships with her clients and her team. A genuine kindness permeates her interactions, making her team members and clients feel valued and understood.
Born and raised in Florida, she now calls herself a resident of North Carolina where her soul has found peace in the Blue Ridge Mountains. She loves to read – especially historical fiction and memoirs, is a Peloton fanatic, crime show addict, sticker lover, and President of the elementary school PTO. She enjoys raising her 5 children with her college sweetheart husband of 15 years, and her little dog Lucy and Cheddar Bob the cat complete her family.